CDMX 09/10/2017 Cliqa is a company in the US Hispanic market. which it has been characterized to be composed of groups of visionaries immigrants, committed to building technological communication tools to help the Latino community to keep us connected to our families and friends, no matter where they are.

"That the distance to each communication"

In addition undertakes Cliqa, for its high quality service, trustworthy, Cliqa is the only FREE of charge service* that lets you add funds and reload prepaid mobile phones in the United States and around the world. Part of their profits investing in the communities that need support or affected by natural disasters. As now the earthquake happened in Mexico,  or support to Caribbean areas that were damaged by hurricanes.

Cliqa has joined fundraising organized by Diego Luna and Gael García Bernal to support victims of the earthquake that occurred in Mexico. You cliqa be giving donations few days before it is finalized in October, He will also be doing dynamic to promote the collection of donations for their Mexican friends.


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